All Things Bees
We are a Honey Bee farm dedicated to the production of natural unpasteurized organic honey. We strive to use only natural treatments for our bees. Natural treatment consists of using only bee health products that are natural to the honey bee such as formic acid treatment for the honey bee Varroa Destructor Mite. Formic acid is also present in a natural state in stinging nettles and is responsible for the burning feeling in contact with them. It is also found in the stings and bites of many insects, including bees and ants, which use it as a chemical defense mechanism.

Honey Production
This honey bee colony left the hive and returned within two hours. I like to think that they were so happy with how we manage them that they returned to the hive. However, it was more than likely that the Queen decided to go for a fly and the colony followed her.

Honey Bee Rescue
We rescue Honey Bee swarms and colonies that need relocation by placing them into new hives in our bee yard. Although Honey Bees can swarm any time from spring to fall, they generally will swarm in May and June. A Honey Bee colony will swarm in order to grow the colony by splitting into two. The original colony will make a new Queen Bee as the old Queen goes with the swarm.

Bees Wax Production
We have clean, fresh Beeswax for sale throughout the year. Beeswax is made by the honey bee. The honey bees consume honey and make wax from their wax glands. It takes 4.54 Kg (10 pounds) of honey for bees to make 454 gm (1 pound) of wax.